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January 21, 2016
Sneak a peak at this week's magazine
January 08, 2016
'Every suspicious glance at religions injures believers,' say the country's bishops
January 06, 2016
We must seriously look at how Muslims interpret the Koran, Archbishop Léonard has said
January 04, 2016
Submission tells us a great deal about ourselves, and if we are to continue as we are, the future is hardly bright
December 01, 2015
A senior official at Lourdes said he is proposing British and Irish pilgrimages as a model for the rest of the world
November 18, 2015
The volunteers rushed the injured to hospital after terrorists opened fire on concertgoers at the Bataclan
November 16, 2015
Suddenly evoking Islamist atrocities in the Middle East has become rather trendy, which is of no use at all to the thousands who have already been butchered
November 16, 2015
Governments must deprive terrorists and terrorist apologists of their passports; not to do so is illogical
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