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conversion therapy
January 10, 2024
LEICESTER, United Kingdom – Scotland’s Catholic Church is urging the Scottish government not to ban “conversion practices” directed at LGBTQ+ individuals, saying such a measure could create “a chilling effect and may criminalize advice or opinion given in good faith”. The Scottish government has launched a consultation on banning what it refers to as “conversion
September 18, 2023
News has broken that the government is beginning to think again about bringing forward legislation to ban so-called conversion therapy, if only because of the obvious and tragic consequences thrown up by the misery and confusion of transgenderism. This may be a pragmatic response. But there is an ideological, philosophical and moral agenda that has been
February 14, 2023
In a recent article in the Telegraph, Charles Moore, a former editor of that newspaper and of the Spectator, noted that “all mainstream religions, in most of their major manifestations, define marriage as being between a man and a woman”.   In the light of this he declares that MPs who want to ban so called
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