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Congregation for Divine Worship
December 13, 2021
The Vatican’s liturgy office on Monday issued a rite and guidelines for the institution of lay catechists in the dioceses of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis created the lay ministry of catechist in May with the release of the motu proprio Antiquum ministerium (“Ancient ministry”), which emphasized the importance of the role of the catechist in history and today
May 27, 2021
Pope Francis has renewed the leadership of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDW), promoting the dicastery’s secretary, Archbishop Arthur Roche, to Prefect of the Vatican’s liturgy department. The English prelate was appointed coadjutor Bishop of Leeds, England, in 2002 by Pope John Paul II. He succeeded Bishop David Konstant
March 17, 2021
According to media reports, Bishop Claudio Maniago of Castellaneta, president of the liturgy commission of the Italian bishops’ conference, began a visitation to the Vatican’s liturgy office March 15.
April 03, 2017
The Vatican's liturgy chief said 'high-ranking prelates' were affirming 'obvious doctrinal, moral and liturgical errors'
March 06, 2017
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
November 08, 2016
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
October 29, 2016
Some of the new names will raise eyebrows, but this isn't the coup some believe it to be
July 11, 2016
The Archbishop of Westminster has told clergy Mass is 'not the time for priests to exercise personal preference or taste'
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