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January 26, 2015
Pope highlights plight of persecuted Christians in homily for Vespers in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls
January 26, 2015
Bishop Nestor-Desire Nongo Aziagbia says that the Pope 'responded positively' to an invitation from the country's bishops' conference
January 21, 2015
Pope says it gave him 'consolation and hope' to see so many large families during papal visit to South Asia
January 20, 2015
Gerard Russell’s new book poses the question, what can we learn from the variety of religious beliefs found in the Middle East?
January 14, 2015
Pope Francis was speaking at the the Church of Our Lady of Madhu in Sri Lanka
January 12, 2015
St Francis was not above the magisterial teachings of the Church - and neither is the Pope
January 12, 2015
The Vatican has released a translation of the speech delivered by Francis at the Apostolic Palace
January 07, 2015
Burmese Buddhist nationalists have been targeting Muslim groups
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