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January 29, 2015
Thomas Merton was funny, daring and loquacious. That got him into trouble with the Church authorities, but it didn’t stop him becoming a great modern spiritual guide
January 22, 2015
We laugh at ludicrous anti-Catholic conspiracies. But we underestimate how many minds they poison, thanks to the latest developments in digital technology
January 21, 2015
That Britain might not be safe for Jews is a truly disturbing thought
January 21, 2015
Pope says it gave him 'consolation and hope' to see so many large families during papal visit to South Asia
January 20, 2015
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has reiterated Francis's 'spiritual and missionary message'
January 14, 2015
Pope Francis was speaking at the the Church of Our Lady of Madhu in Sri Lanka
January 12, 2015
St Francis was not above the magisterial teachings of the Church - and neither is the Pope
January 12, 2015
Birdman actor recalls mother praying the rosary and volunteering at hospital
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