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June 24, 2015
Fr Richard Ho Lung's dynamic Missionaries of the Poor are spreading around the world
June 17, 2015
The libertarian politician is also a critic of 'big government' which withers away of the role of the individual
June 16, 2015
Department of Health statistics show abortions due to disability have risen by nearly 1,000 since 2011
June 11, 2015
Many women who succumb to the pressure to have an abortion later speak of their sorrow and regret
June 06, 2015
Pope and Michelle Bachelet discuss 'the protection of human life'
May 27, 2015
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
May 25, 2015
Pro-abortion demonstrators called out slogans such as 'religious scum' at pro-lifers
May 21, 2015
Jim Murphy has paid a heavy price for standing up to nationalism
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