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July 04, 2017
In Ireland right now it's more important than ever before that people stand up for the right to life
July 03, 2017
Some doctors are quitting the union, saying it has been 'hijacked' by people pushing an 'extreme' agenda
June 30, 2017
There are now 100,000 people alive in Northern Ireland who would be dead if Britain’s abortion laws had applied
June 29, 2017
The government agreed to the measure to head off defeat in the Queen's Speech
June 28, 2017
The poll also found a large majority of Catholics approve of same-sex relationships and sex before marriage
June 27, 2017
The BMA passed the motion by a two-thirds majority, against the wishes of around 1,500 doctors
June 26, 2017
Doctors have criticised the 'extreme' proposal, saying it would 'severely damage' the reputation of the British Medical Association
June 23, 2017
David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt faced charges for recording Planned Parenthood executives without their consent
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