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April 19, 2018
Ireland could end up with one of the most extreme abortion regimes in the world, campaigners warned
April 13, 2018
Nobody supported me in my pregnancy. Then I was thrown a lifeline
April 11, 2018
Yesterday's decision is a clear violation of civil liberties, and there is a dreadful irony at its heart
April 11, 2018
The move was opposed by mothers who kept their babies after receiving help from the vigils
April 10, 2018
Speakers told a conference on Humanae Vitae of the need to evangelise society through the teaching of the Catholic Church
April 07, 2018
The mothers, who were helped by pro-life vigils, say they have been ignored by Ealing Council
April 05, 2018
Despite the entire political class pushing for abortion, the polls are surprisingly close
April 04, 2018
Both miracles attributed to the 'Pope of Humanae Vitae' relate to unborn babies
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