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October 06, 2020
Biden says he remains opposed to abortion personally, but he has promised to abolish the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion.
July 30, 2020
The Mexican Supreme Court has overturned a ruling that could have opened the door to the legalisation of abortion throughout the country.
July 09, 2020
Kanye denounced the US’s largest abortion provider as racist and demonic after announcing an unexpected run for the Oval Office
July 07, 2020
Britain’s pro-life movement has scored a significant parliamentary victory after two amendments championed by the abortion lobby were withdrawn
July 07, 2020
The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops has condemned the country's proposed Reproductive Health Bill as unconstitutional
July 06, 2020
MPs will attempt to pass an amendment to “decriminalise” abortion up to 28 weeks on Monday, in a move pro-life campaigners say would leave England and Wales with “the most extreme abortion law in Europe”.
July 03, 2020
Pro-life advocates called the signing of the law a “historic victory for the pro-life citizens of Mississippi.”
July 02, 2020
Pro-life advocates in Florida have applauded Governor Ron DeSantis after he signed a bill requiring parental consent before a minor has an abortion
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