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November 14, 2023
November 14, 2023
An American bishop has claimed he was fired by the Pope because dark forces within the Vatican wanted to stop him from preaching the Gospel. The Holy See announced at the weekend that Bishop Joseph Strickland has been removed from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, and that Bishop Joe Vásquez of Austin will serve as
November 14, 2023
It is a worrying fact that the right of Catholics, and indeed all Christians, to manifest their beliefs can’t be taken for granted these days. But freedom received a major boost this morning from, of all places, the Court of Appeal in Lutheran Finland. The background was an affair that has been simmering in the
November 14, 2023
The patriarchs and heads of churches in Jerusalem have asked that Christians in the region refrain from usual festivities during the Advent and Christmas seasons in honour of those who have lost homes or family members. In a Nov. 10 statement, church leaders in both Europe and the Holy Land called for acts of solidarity
November 14, 2023
The English bishops have asked for changes to the law so that parents can have a greater say in the fate of their dying children. They spoke after eight-month-old Indi Gregory died in a hospice after her life support was withdrawn against the wishes of her parents. Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth tried to get
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