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November 09, 2023
November 09, 2023
Ave Maria University Ave Maria, Florida Founded by Domino’s Pizza entrepreneur Tom Monaghan in 2003, Ave Maria University is in southwest Florida, some 24 miles inland from Naples on the Gulf Coast. It has 1,200 students, an admission rate of 64% and a graduation rate of 54%. The university costs $41,919 and offers 31 majors
November 09, 2023
ROME – In a rare intervention, Cardinal Robert Sarah has said that “the crisis of the Church has entered a new phase: the crisis of the Magisterium.”  Speaking to a standing-room only crowd on 26 October in Rome, at the launch of Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s new book “Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith” (Sophia Press,
November 09, 2023
A group of Catholic bishops has signed a letter calling on civil authorities in Hong Kong to release a prominent Catholic campaigner and businessman incarcerated for his “pro-democracy” stance. The letter, which contained signatures from ten prelates, including two cardinals, from the UK, US, Lithuania, Nigeria and India, among others, demanded the release of Jimmy
November 09, 2023
ROME – Leaders often speak at least as loudly by what they don’t say as by what they do, and such would appear to be the case in recent days regarding Pope Francis’s approach to Israel and the broader Jewish world. A series of perceived papal slights began in late October, when a group of
November 09, 2023
LEICESTER, United Kingdom – A British judge ruled Wednesday that a baby girl with a rare disease may not be transferred from the UK to Italy for treatment, despite a fast-track decision by the Italian government to grant her citizenship and to name the general director of the papally-sponsored Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital as her
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