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October 03, 2023
October 03, 2023
ROME – Pope Francis’s new doctrine chief has said he believes a revised structure for his department is working well, and now includes a “democratic system” for handling whatever queries or complaints might arrive that prohibits him from making unilateral decisions. New Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, a close papal friend and ghostwriter who recently became
October 03, 2023
A Herald reader reflects on a recent experience. At the church which I attend, Communion is received kneeling, on the tongue. “Corpus Christi,” said the priest, and held the Host in front of my face, but out of reach. There was a pause. “Amen,” he said, pointedly. Open mouthed, I said nothing. For a second,
October 03, 2023
Mark Batey introduces his screenplay about the life of Fr John Gerard. Cancel culture, thought police, identity politics. These may sound like modern concepts. Yet across cent- uries and continents examples of radical social engineering abound, with the  airbrushing of history and purging of  tradition. Top-down cultural revolution, by a totalitarian state or a powerful
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