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September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023
…and why Aristotle called theology a science. When I was at school, I enjoyed mathematics a lot more than PE. So when my PE teacher said my mathematics teacher was an idiot for believing that negative numbers existed, I naturally sided with my mathematics teacher. Now while I would still probably side with my mathematics
September 27, 2023
I spent nearly a month in Poland this summer because my widowed, childless aunt died unexpectedly and left me and my mother with a mountain of “death-min” which we have still nowhere near dealt with.  The media and political classes present us with a confused portrait of what Poland is  really like. On the one
September 27, 2023
I have a distinct memory of the first time I ever knowingly encountered outspoken scepticism about Christianity, in the playground of my primary school. The occasion is hard to fix exactly in time – it was sometime between Year 3 and Year 5 – but I know the place where it happened to within a
September 27, 2023
A 19-year-old woman from Birmingham with a rare disease who died during a legal fight to circumvent a ruling that she was not competent to make decisions about her care, despite her desire to go abroad for experimental treatment, can now be publicly named as Sudiksha Thirumalesh. In a statement released following the news that
September 27, 2023
YAOUNDÈ, Cameroon – Catholic bishops in Africa’s most populous nation have warned that Nigeria effectively has been taken over by insurgents, militia and criminal gangs, with Christians, including Catholic priests, among the most frequent victims. At the end of their Second Plenary Meeting, held at a hotel in the capital area of Abuja Sept. 7-15,
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