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July 04, 2023
July 04, 2023
Over the weekend I shared a tweet about Ernest Hemingway’s Catholicism. Although I’ve long enjoyed his work, the fact that he was Catholic had come as a surprise to me. Reading an article on his life, I came across a statement about his Catholic faith that grabbed my attention:  His observances included habitual prayer, attending
July 04, 2023
Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited Mary Eberstadt Ignatius Press, £16, 199 pages In 1867 Benjamin Disraeli addressed fellow diners at a celebration for his first round of electoral reforms. “The quest- ion is not whether you should resist change which is inevitable, but whether that change should be carried out in deference to
July 04, 2023
Even a resolute republican would have been impressed by one essential aspect of King Charles’s coronation: its delirious abundance of great choral music. In a spectacle that could so easily have turned to pantomime – Gilbert & Sullivan came to mind – it was the music that provided anchorage, magnificently done and standing testament to
July 04, 2023
Fr Michael Ward on a new book exploring the writer’s spiritual side. I became a Catholic in no small part because of JRR Tolkien. Raised as an Evangelical Anglican in the 1970s to be extremely suspicious of Catholics, I nonetheless found Tolkien’s imaginative world of Middle-earth captivating. I also knew that Tolkien had been close
July 04, 2023
As America celebrates July 4th, a noble and independent religious order is expanding its influence and membership in the US  When the Herald meets in London with Guy Sainty, British art dealer, historian and Vice Grand Chancellor of the Sacred Constantinian Order of Saint George (Spanish-Neapolitan branch), he is already at our Polish restaurant table
July 04, 2023
Over 10,000 people attended the All-Ireland ‘Rally for Life‘ in Dublin on Saturday, which served as a reminder to the Irish government that support for the pro-life cause in Ireland has not gone away. Despite the vote in 2018 to remove the constitutional protection for the unborn child and impose in its place the most liberal abortion
July 04, 2023
The US devotion to the peoples’ ‘unalienable rights’ is a logical fallacy. In the calendar of American civil religion, July 4 is a solemnity, the day we celebrate our national creed, formulated in Philadelphia in 1776. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,” we confess in the Declaration of Independence, “that all men are created
July 04, 2023
In a time of increasing isolation, conflicts and fragmentation – within society, and within the heart of man –  what does the world need most if not hope? But as faiths become more disparate, and conflict continues to intensify between different beliefs and ways of living, where is our resolution? Where is our aide to mercy?
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