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June 01, 2023
June 01, 2023
Nick Ripatrazone applauds a new translation and presentation of the Roman writer Seneca’s play The Madness of Hercules. Dana Gioia, the notable American Catholic poet and former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, has made a trade of writing seminal essays that capture the pulse of the literary moment. In 1991, his essay
June 01, 2023
This month is the Catholic marching season. Or rather, the season for processions. June sees a succession of lovely summer feasts: Corpus Christi, the great medieval affirmation of the Eucharist; the ancient feast of the Nativity  of St John the Baptist (for centuries the only earthly birthday to have its own feast, apart from Christ’s);
June 01, 2023
There are few more fraught political issues than migration, given that civil conflict, political unrest and climate change translate into increasing numbers of people forced to flee their homes. The war in Sudan seems likely to result in more refugees seeking to cross the Mediterranean to Europe and to seek asylum in neighbouring countries. Already
June 01, 2023
The Order of Malta has been through a bruising year since, last June, Pope Francis took a close interest in the affairs of the order, demanding reforms and imposing a new constitution to “complete the renewal process”. He named a new leader, ad interim, pending an election, which has just now  been confirmed as Grand
June 01, 2023
First published in 1949, Carol Jackson Robinson’s Catholic polemic The Perverse Generation resonates today, says Julian Kwasniewski. Was 1949 a long time ago? Reading Carol Jackson Robinson’s This Perverse Generation gives a strange sense of simultaneous distance and closeness to 1949, when this book was first published. Recently republished, we have an opportunity to reflect
June 01, 2023
Benjamin Ivry looks at the Czech leader’s complicated relationship with Catholicism. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the election of the Czech author Václav Havel (1936 –2011) to the presidency of his homeland. Havel’s rapport with Catholicism was, as he readily admitted, a work in progress, intertwined with fascination for the lives of the
June 01, 2023
The anointing and crowning of King Charles III was a deeply religious event. As an Officer of Arms I had the privilege (and duty) of attending the Coronation of the King. Heralds have taken part in coronations for over 500 years, wearing their armorial tabards and leading the royal procession into Westminster Abbey before flanking
June 01, 2023
Simon Caldwell meets the ruffled order’s new Grand Hospitaller keen to build on its legacy. In June last year, Pope Francis seized control of the Sovereign Order of Malta in what was effectively a coup. Frustrated that his reforms had reached an impasse amid resistance from knights who feared the Vatican would strip the 900-year-old
June 01, 2023
At 5am, my alarm hauls me into another day in the Eternal City. An icon on my bedroom wall of Christ Pantocrator comes into focus. It’s a beautiful piece of Christian art that I’ve managed “to vulch” from a former seminarian (“to vulch” is to lay claim to an item from the vulture box of
June 01, 2023
Julia Hamilton is gripped by Ukrainian crime thriller Pamfir. This stunning film is the feature-length debut of Ukrainian director Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk, with the actor Oleksandr Yatsentyuk playing the eponymous leading role of Leonid Pamfir, which means “stone” in Ukrainian, or, perhaps, “rock”.   Pamfir himself is as solid as his nickname, a veteran smuggler who,  in
June 01, 2023
In common with most parents, I have devoted considerable time and energy to teaching my children that stealing is wrong, that they should obey the law, and that they ought to try hard at school because education is important. I have also read them, with great enthusiasm and delight, the following books. Danny, The Champion
June 01, 2023
There’s been a lot about AI in the news lately, though so far as I know, not much has been written about the relationship between AI and the doctrine of transubstantiation. Granted, some people have commented on ChatGPT’s ability to produce a perfectly sound account of this doctrine, but I’m not aware of anyone drawing
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