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April 03, 2023
April 03, 2023
Richard Newman Gracewing, £14.99, 244 pages This small book is a revision and extension of Richard Newman’s Saint Benedict in His Time, which was published by Three Peaks Press in 2013. Both books look at the saint in his historical context; this second book stands alone, but would also be of interest to readers of
April 03, 2023
An Easter Anthology Arthur Howells Hodder & Stoughton, £16.99, 288 pages When thinking of anthologies, two types come immediately to mind: those that gather material from the one author, and those that gather material from multiple authors. Of these, the latter is the more fraught with peril, as the editor’s preference and taste has far
April 03, 2023
Discrimination against Catholics is rife in the workplace and especially in the public sector, a new study has found. A survey conducted by the Catholic Union said that religious freedom was a “blind spot” for employers actively mistreating and discriminating against people because of their faith. In a poll of 222 members and supporters, almost
April 03, 2023
Whilst completing an ESTA form for my upcoming trip to the United States I was asked whether I plan to commit any acts of genocide or terrorism while there: yes or no?  It’s good to know some things are still binary. I ticked “no”. Homeland security can breathe a collective sigh of relief and go back
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