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March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
Pope Francis on Friday accepted the resignation of an influential German bishop who has been a key player in the German synodal process and come under pressure over his handling of clerical sex abuse cases in his diocese.  Bishop Franz-Josef Bode, 72, who has been vice-president of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK) since 2017 and
March 27, 2023
Journalist Simon Caldwell’s debut novel The Beast of Bethulia Park might just be the most believable thriller on our shelves this year. We first meet prematurely jaded young journalist Jenny Bradshaigh as she reports on the death of an elderly man, whose family suspect foul play by hospital staff. Readers will know that her opening
March 27, 2023
I remember swimming lessons with my kids.  Unlike my fellow NCT mummies who dunked their new-borns into deep water as they returned quickly to pre-birth shape with some nifty aqua-aerobics, I avoided both baby dunking and mummy shrinking.  This complete failure on my part left me terrified whenever we approached any body of water upwards of
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