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February 28, 2023
February 28, 2023
The race to become the Republican challenger to Joe Biden in next year’s presidential election has suddenly started to heat up. Republican Party leaders announced on Thursday that their first event to pick a candidate would be the traditional Iowa caucuses in February next year. (Democrats have chosen to start their race in South Carolina.)
February 28, 2023
Vatican politics is beginning to look a little like a chess game. White against black. A battle between those who love the Church through the ages against those who want to see her confined to modernity. The game is of course between tradition and modernity, which is odd because on those occasions when people ask “why
February 28, 2023
A bull has the ability to charge at you at up to 35mph. There are 1040 possible moves in chess. If a cue ball hits half of the intended ball in snooker – and not the centre – the probability is very high that the cue ball will travel in a direction that is 30 degrees
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