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January 31, 2023
January 31, 2023
The House of Lords has backed the national roll out of buffer zones around abortion clinics in a move which could turn private and silent prayer into a thought crime. Peers voted in favour a move to criminalise activity that seeks to “influence” the decision of women booked in for abortions to go ahead with
January 31, 2023
William Cash remembers Pope Benedict XVI's speech at Fisher House, the Catholic chaplaincy at the University of Cambridge
January 31, 2023
The Herald pays tribute to, and remembers fondly, the late plain speaking and clear thinking Australian cardinal
January 31, 2023
The German Church should examine its own funding system, rather than pander to gender ideologies and seek to change Catholic teaching
January 31, 2023
On Wednesday evening last week, the Catholics In The Conservative Party group hosted a formal launch event in the Houses of Parliament.  The group aims to support, recruit and mentor Catholics in the Conservative party and public life to ensure that the Catholic voice is always heard in government. Having been officially founded in 2020
January 31, 2023
February 1 marks the feast of St. Brigid in Ireland, a day most people in the country grew up with as the second most-important “Irish” saint’s day, with time spent in school making St Brigid’s crosses from reeds or rushes pulled from the fields that very morning. In more urban areas, where rushes were not
January 31, 2023
In the late summer and early autumn of 2021, I knew my father was approaching his last days on this earth.  Inspired by the soothing sounds of ocean waves and a train wailing in the distance on a quick trip down to the Jersey Shore, I began to write his eulogy.  But it didn’t really start flowing
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