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November 03, 2022
November 03, 2022
The credibility and moral authority of the Church is in serious danger, writes Benedict Rogers Eight years ago, I wrote an article for the Catholic Herald in which I warned that an agreement between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would be “a dangerous gamble”. Two years after that article, the Vatican signed its secret agreement
November 03, 2022
According to Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, there are no special “signs” to be read into his attendance and presiding over Vespers for a recent annual Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) pilgrimage to Rome, named after Benedict XVI’s apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum, acknowledging the right of all priests to offer Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal.  As reported by Andrea
November 03, 2022
God’s love becomes visible in those who reflect his presence, says Cardinal Robert Sarah The French novelist Léon Bloy, writes: “The only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life, is not to become a saint.” This is the unwavering call that the Church makes to all people throughout the ages.
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