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October 27, 2022
October 27, 2022
By Hugh Kerr The Vatican has made known that Pope Francis recently gave a condemnation of online pornography to a collection of priests and seminarians in Rome, calling soft pornography a temptation and warning that “the devil enters from there: it weakens the priestly heart”. On Wednesday, the Vatican published a transcript that detailed the 86-year-old Pontiff’s comprehensive responses
October 27, 2022
Fresh data from the US Government’s National Assessment of Educational Progress has demonstrated the impact of COVID-19 on schooling, but with some encouraging news for America’s Catholic schools. As reported by Kevin Clarke for America magazine – with some material from the Associated Press – while nationwide educational attainment dropped, Catholic schools either held steady or declined by less than public (government-run) and
October 27, 2022
The Germans are finally in a position to take their revenge for the world-famous Fawlty Towers sketch where they are remorselessly mocked by Basil Fawlty who maniacally declaims “Don’t mention the war”. The University of Cambridge is attempting to impose its woke ideology on German grammar. It is usual to try to learn and communicate
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