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August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022
St Joan of Arc, the “Maid of Orleans”, is one of history’s greatest heroines. A mystic who led an army into battle at the age of 17 after receiving heavenly messages from Ss Michael, Margaret and Catherine, her intervention in the Hundred Years’ War came at a moment which proved pivotal in the liberation of
August 23, 2022
Can millennial and Gen Z Catholics – many identifying as “trads” or traditionalists attracted to the order of the Church against the chaos they see in the modern West – really save the US and other Western nations? Many in the millennial and Gen Z ‘New Right’ have turned against neoliberalism just as they have
August 23, 2022
For many Catholics unhappy about the direction of travel of the Church under Pope Francis, if and when he will resign are perhaps the most asked questions. This is not distasteful or idle court gossip. The Catholic Church is a hierarchical organisation directed in outlook and ideology by its leader, who a small College of
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