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April 02, 2019
April 02, 2019
“Young man, I say to you, arise!” With these words from Luke’s Gospel, with which Jesus restored the widow’s son to life, Pope Francis sets a resolutely Christocentric theme for perhaps the most heartfelt and personal intervention of his papacy so far. Christus Vivit (Christ is Alive!), his Apostolic Exhortation addressed “to Young People and
April 02, 2019
The life of a young person and the vocation to which God calls each one is “holy ground” that pastors and parents must respect, nurture and encourage, Pope Francis has said in a new apostolic exhortation. Christus Vivit (“Christ Lives”), the Pope’s reflections on the 2018 synod of bishops on young people, the faith and
April 02, 2019
Guangzhou, the capital of China’s Guangdong province, is offering to pay citizens in exchange for information on “illegal religious groups” as the Communist Party of China continues to crack down on all forms of religious activity. As the Associated Press reported, the website of the Guangzhou Department of Ethnic and Religious Affairs states that it
April 02, 2019
Pope Francis said on Sunday that abortion is not a lawful way to solve problems, even in extreme and desperate situations, and that awareness of the need to help women in difficult pregancies is on the rise. During a March 31 Spanish television interview, Pope Francis was asked about the permissibility of abortion in an
April 02, 2019
Pro-life film Unplanned has made a “strong $6M debut”, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith has led an anti-drugs protest in the Sri Lankan city of Colombo. The Muslim World League’s secretary-general has denied reports of a Vatican-Saudi Arabia deal on building churches. C Colt Anderson and Christopher Bellitto argue that seminaries shouldn’t
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