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Episode 51:
The Paedophile Agenda of the Supra-National Elites, with Kimberly Ells

In the 51st episode, Gavin Ashenden is joined by Kimberly Ells.

In 2013, she joined an international organization working to protect the interests of children and families at the United Nations. During her first exposure to UN proceedings in New York City, she was surprised to discover policies being adopted on the basis of the promotion of sexual rights for children.

Beyond the immediate astonishment, emerged the question, who was it that believed in the sexualisation of children, and why?

In her book, The Invincible Family, Kimberly Ells joins the dots, and offers an analysis of the ethics, politics, and ambitions of those who want to undermine the rights and privileges of biological parents to “get their hands on the kids” and reshape our culture and morals.

She discusses her conclusions in this, the  latest episode of Merely Catholic.

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