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Episode 32:
Archbishop Ganswein's memoirs, with Dr Jules Gomes

Ever since the misleading and fourth rate film The Two Popes appeared on our screens, the public has been understandably hungry to know what the relationship between the pope emeritus, Benedict 16th, and the current pope, Francis, was really like behind the scenes.

Somewhat to our surprise, Archbishop Ganswein, chaplain and secretary to the pope emeritus has written a book, Nothing But The Truth, set to be released immediately after the funeral of Benedict 16th.

Is this going to be a tell-all memoir revealing secrets thus far hidden by decorum, restraint and civility, now released onto a world stage? Or is it going to be a restrained memoir, telling us nothing we didn’t know already?

Dr Jules Gomes is a theologian, a journalist and a Catholic correspondent based in Rome. He has a Doctorate in Biblical Studies from Cambridge and is the author of 5 books of theology.

As it happens, he found himself the recipient of an advance copy of Ganswein’s book sent to his email account by a friend. To save us from having to wait for both the publication date and an English translation of Ganswein’s memoirs, he has agreed to share his reflections.

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