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October 15, 2020
The latest US polls reveal President Donald Trump’s support is slipping amongst white Catholics in the run-up to the presidential election on November 3. Polling by both the Pew Research Center and Langer Research Associates show that Trump’s presidential rival, Joe Biden, has made significant gains amongst white Catholics, previously a crucial demographic of support
October 15, 2020
Canada’s Catholic bishops have criticized the “potential overreach” of a proposed government ban on conversion therapy, arguing that the legislation’s “very disconcerting ambiguity” poses a threat to freedom of religion. On October 1, the Liberal Party government in Canada reintroduced a Bill, first put before the House of Commons on March 6, which would ban
October 14, 2020
A woman with links to ousted cardinal Angelo Becciu has been arrested
October 14, 2020
The Catholic Church in Malawi has appealed for the government to step in after the latest in a series of violent attacks on churches. After St Patrick’s Church in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe and Kankao parish in the diocese of Mangochi had both been attacked by bandits in the last two months, another church desecration
October 13, 2020
Thousands of pilgrims gathered in Fátima, Portugal, on Monday evening, at the start of the anniversary celebrations of the Miracle of the Sun, and prayed for an end to coronavirus. A total of 6.3 million faithful visited the Sanctuary of Fátima during 2019, including 100,000 people who attended last year’s October anniversary pilgrimage, but this
October 12, 2020
An unpublished document by the Education and Training Boards Ireland has raised concerns about the prominence of Catholic practices and symbols in Irish State Schools. The document says that mandatory graduation Masses, diocesan inspections and the prevalence of Catholic symbols found in many formerly vocational schools are contrary to the Education and Training Boards’ (ETBs)
October 12, 2020
Tim Farron said that people 'need the solace of faith' and that churches had shown they can open safely
October 09, 2020
A Catholic priest kidnapped two years ago in Niger by jihadists has been released along with three other hostages
October 08, 2020
Cardinal Zen has rejected claims that Benedict XVI approved a draft of the Vatican-China deal, and has accused Cardinal Parolin of “telling a series of lies”
October 08, 2020
Cardinal Angelo Becciu has “categorically” denied interfering in the trial of Cardinal Pell, after unconfirmed media reports suggested he may have used Vatican funds to bribe witnesses
October 07, 2020
Archbishop Gallagher's remarks came in an interview with Crux.
October 07, 2020
Speaking on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Pope urged people to carry rosary beads with them in their pockets, adding that the rosary is “the most beautiful prayer we can offer to the Virgin Mary”
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