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Simon Caldwell

March 01, 2018
A misguided act of mercy for the few has become a right for the many
March 01, 2018
No one could deny that Aurelia Brouwers was a troubled young woman. Dogged by mental illness from an early age, she entered adulthood suicidal. She spent nearly three years in a psychiatric institution as a result and also served two-and-half years in prison for arson. She suffered from depression, anxiety and eating problems, and had
February 13, 2018
Under government plans, people's organs could be taken from them unless they specifically opt out
February 01, 2018
Aurelia Brouwers was physically fit but wanted to end her life due to mental illness
January 25, 2018
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Lessons from Belgium edited by David Albert Jones, Chris Gastmans, Calum Mackellar, CUP, 378pp, £90 The push for assisted suicide and euthanasia is so slick and well-financed in Britain that it is a small miracle that the law has not changed in a way similar to that of other jurisdictions whose
January 23, 2018
The number of dementia patients killed by euthanasia has risen fourfold over the past five years
January 18, 2018
Belgian nurses say the country's growing euthanasia culture is in 'complete contradiction' to their training
January 11, 2018
The app includes prayers and a journal to help users monitor their spiritual growth
December 21, 2017
For the first time in four years the Christians of Iraq will celebrate Christmas in the Nineveh Plains, their ancestral homelands which were first evangelised by the Apostles in the years after the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet sadly bells will not be ringing for Midnight Mass in Mosul, a city that was
November 16, 2017
Saints and Cults in Medieval England edited by Susan Powell, Shaun Tyas, £49.50 It is common today to hear that more Christians died for the faith in the 20th century than in the other 19 centuries combined. In these early years of the 21st, matters have grown worse still, with the Christians of the world
November 08, 2017
A third poll indicates a high level of public opposition to the campaign to legalise abortion up to birth
October 02, 2017
Vatican officials want to hear in person why Brothers of Charity board members insist on allowing the euthanasia
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