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Michael Duggan

September 28, 2017
The Persecution and Genocide of Christians in the Middle East Edited by Ronald Rychlak and Jane Adolphe, Angelico Press, £17.50 Genocide means action taken with the intent to destroy, in whole or part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. Pope Francis (“I insist on the word”) and others have concluded that what is being
September 28, 2017
The Chapel of Christ the Redeemer sits atop a hill overlooking a serene stretch of the Thames in the deer park of the Culham estate near Henley. Designed by the architect Craig Hamilton, the chapel was consecrated by Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor in December 2015. In order to explain the chapel’s purpose, the trust behind it
September 14, 2017
Get Over Yourself by Patrick West, Societas, £9.95 What, Patrick West asks, would Friedrich Nietzsche make of contemporary, metropolitan Westerners? Scary thought. After all, the 19th-century German philosopher’s central message, as summarised here, was: life is tough; accept this; embrace it. “You find the burden of your life too heavy? Then you must increase the
September 07, 2017
On July 11, 1441, on his way to Bordeaux, Thomas Bekynton, secretary to King Henry VI and soon-to-be Bishop of Bath and Wells, found himself on a ship becalmed in the Bay of Biscay. In response, he vowed an offering to the Blessed Virgin of Eton and persuaded others on board to sing an antiphon
August 21, 2017
John Curry was a humble, shy man throughout his life – but he stood his ground in telling his astonishing story
August 10, 2017
On my occasional visits to Westminster Cathedral, I sometimes pause to watch other visitors as they arrive. Regulars stride, scurry or amble in, according, I suppose, to temperament or purpose. Newcomers, on the other hand, advance more cautiously. Understandably so. I am not sure there is anything quite like this experience in London, at least
August 10, 2017
The Marian Antiphon of Francis Bernardone by Sr Ruth Agnes Evans, Tau Publishing, £14 First, what a wonderful title. This might be a novel, a collection of poems, a work of history or even musicology. In reality, The Marian Antiphon of Francis Bernardone is a meditation on a work of devotional literature composed by St
July 27, 2017
In his youth, the late-flowering historical novelist Alfred Duggan (no relation) resembled a “dashing, Restoration rake”. So thought the literary critic Peter Quennell, who knew Duggan from Oxford. Similarly, Evelyn Waugh recalled his dissipated university friend professing both Marxism and atheism at the age of 20, and living “flamboyantly for pleasure”, alternating between the hunting
June 29, 2017
That Nothing May Be Lost by Fr Paul Scalia, Ignatius, £13.99 You may think this author’s name rings a bell. If so, you are right. Fr Paul Scalia is the son of Justice Antonin Scalia, who was appointed to the US Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan. Fr Scalia pays tribute in the introduction to his
June 22, 2017
Tolkien and Housman had more in common than meets the eye
June 22, 2017
Similarities between JRR Tolkien and AE Housman are not hard to spot. Both were Oxbridge dons. Both were experts in ancient languages. And both were hugely popular writers whose creative work took them far beyond their academic audiences and whose fame has lasted beyond their own lifetimes. And the similarities do not end there. Housman’s
June 08, 2017
The city of Oxyrhynchus is in central Egypt, south of Cairo, west of the Nile, and bears its Greek name from the time of Alexander the Great’s conquest in 332 BC. In 1896, two young classicists from Oxford University, Bernard Grenfell and Arthur Hunt, came to Oxyrhynchus to excavate the ancient, undisturbed rubbish mounds circling
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