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Mary Kenny

March 02, 2017
Sometimes insights about life come from the most unexpected sources, and thus, surprisingly, Nigel Farage has illuminated a point about priestly celibacy. In speaking on television to Piers Morgan about his life, Mr Farage has suggested that his marriages have failed essentially because he was continually obsessed with politics and with advancing the cause of
February 23, 2017
A fresh theatrical production of St Joan claims that Bernard Shaw’s play is now “relevant to our time”. But the story of Joan of Arc is relevant to all time, and the Donmar’s drama (which will be streamed into 2,500 cinemas for all to see on March 14) portrays Joan as a feminist icon. This
February 16, 2017
It is being reliably forecast that the working population in the future will have to remain in employment for longer – goodbye to the expectation of retiring in your sixties and spending your leisure years on pensioners’ cruises. Many, if not most, people will have to continue working until they’re 72, because of the way
February 09, 2017
I’m not sure that it’s the Government’s role to tell citizens what kind of homes they choose to live in, but in any case there are to be strong incentives to older people to make it easier to “downsize” from empty-nest family homes. A White Paper will explore ways in which this might be achieved.
February 02, 2017
This is Martin Luther’s centenary year – he nailed his notorious 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg in 1517 – and the Holy Father has enjoined us to see Luther in a positive light. Francis has been receiving Lutheran pilgrims from Finland and has himself visited Sweden as part of a Lutheran reconciliation.
January 26, 2017
I was upbraided by a “Facebook friend” for not being present at one of the women’s marches against President Trump and his administration last Saturday. Well, there was no such march in my area, and anyway, I’m still not quite fit enough to join a street march after a Christmastime fall (stone cold sober too!)
January 19, 2017
Whatever view is taken about Barack Obama’s politics, or the overall record of his presidency, it must be admitted that in terms of “family values”, Barack and Michelle Obama have been quite remarkable exemplars of domestic virtue. Over a span of eight years, with two daughters growing through their teenage years – which can often
January 12, 2017
Yet another report tells us that loneliness in Britain today is almost at “epidemic” proportions. According to Age UK, half a million people over the age of 60 go for an entire week without meeting or speaking to anyone. Our society has a strikingly utilitarian response to human problems, and this situation is especially deplored
January 05, 2017
It’s said, from old times, that “pride comes before a fall”: in my case, carelessness and haste precede a fall, and I mean that quite literally. Hanging on a doorknob at home was a soft backpack handy for shopping, its straps trailing down in the shape of a noose. On Christmas Eve, as I was
December 22, 2016
In the first week of December, I received a Christmas gift which will have given me more joy than any material object I can imagine: a photograph of my three-year-old grandson James Carlos appearing as a shepherd in his nursery school Nativity play. Sent electronically, the wonder in the child’s face transmitted to me a
December 15, 2016
I’m not sure that immigrants swearing an allegiance to Britain – as Dame Louise Casey has suggested, lamenting the lack of integration among many migrant communities – is quite in the British tradition. Historically, incomers didn’t develop allegiance to the United Kingdom through any formal coercion by the state. They “absorbed” Britishness through personal experience,
December 08, 2016
It has now been confirmed that Pope Francis will visit Ireland – south and north – in August 2018, and already some Dublin politicians are fretting that he might make a “controversial” statement about abortion during the visit. (There will very probably be an abortion referendum at this time.) Who knows? Francis is just as
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