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Madeleine Teahan

March 21, 2014
Bishop McMahon has been appointed Archbishop of Liverpool
March 13, 2014
Remember when the Pope named himself Francis I, backed female cardinals and abolished sin? Neither do we
March 13, 2014
In this week’s print edition of the Catholic Herald, we report on Cardinal Müller’s warning to the Ordinariate, we find out why Fr Antonio Spadaro was scared to interview Pope Francis and we feature a full report on the doctors who say there is no medical explanation for the survival of a baby whose parents
March 13, 2014
On the anniversary of his election, Freddy Gray, Peter Stanford and Fr Lucie-Smith each reveal their piece of advice for Pope Francis
March 06, 2014
Bishop Egan explains thinking behind the reorganisation of his diocese to ACTA members
March 06, 2014
Cardinal Müller told ordinaries that they are being scrutinsed
March 05, 2014
Francis says Pope Paul VI's encyclical on birth control was 'prophetic'
February 19, 2014
Bishop says agreements would invite couples to prepare for divorce
February 14, 2014
The Church trains priests for seven years. So why does it only prepare some couples for marriage in a single day?
February 13, 2014
Belgium's chilly detachment from the sick and dependent is widening
February 13, 2014
The House of Representatives has voted to extend Belgium's euthanasia law to children
February 06, 2014
Fr Timothy Radcliffe was visiting small community in the Sahara
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