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Luke Coppen

August 24, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 23, 2018
Shortly after Chris Bain was appointed Cafod director in 2003, the charity experienced one of what he calls its “wobbles”. The aid agency came under fire for its policy on condoms and HIV. It favoured the “ABC” strategy, which recognised that condoms can prevent HIV transmission. Cafod insisted that it neither funded nor distributed condoms,
August 23, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 22, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 21, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 20, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 17, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 16, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 15, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 14, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 13, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
July 27, 2018
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
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