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Julian Kwasniewski

March 30, 2024
“I am now off to sail the English seas again, and to pursue from thought to thought and from memory to memory such things as have occupied one human soul, and of these some will be of profit to one man and some to another, and most, I suppose, to none at all.“ So writes
January 03, 2024
Apologia: A Memoir Fr Aidan Nichols Gracewing, £12.99, 164 pages With St John Henry Newman, Fr Aidan Nichols has found the “need to be similarly apologetic” about his life and theological work. Mostly “a human story”, the tale gives him an opportunity to justify some of his actions, as well as to make “an appeal
December 08, 2023
Julian Kwasniewski explores the spiritual and physical experience of going on adventure pilgrimages. In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the fifth of CS Lewis’ Narnia series, the mysterious Aslan is famously referred to as “not a tame Lion”. Aslan tells the Pevensie children at the end of the book that the point of their
September 30, 2023
Recovering our sanity. The Decomposition of Man: Identity, Technocracy, and the Church James Kalb Angelico Press, £17, 228 pages I am sitting outside a coffee shop on the main street of Lander, Wyoming. A brown sparrow alights near my table, joining the already various pedestrian traffic: tanned climbers emerge from their bumper-stickered Subaru; a couple
August 03, 2023
A simple joy and peace comes from walking, whether alone or with someone close, says Julian Kwasniewski. Walking with the sun on your back; with the breeze in your hair; with the blue sky in your eyes. Walking with the wind in your ears. This is unadulterated walking. This is human walking. This is a
June 01, 2023
First published in 1949, Carol Jackson Robinson’s Catholic polemic The Perverse Generation resonates today, says Julian Kwasniewski. Was 1949 a long time ago? Reading Carol Jackson Robinson’s This Perverse Generation gives a strange sense of simultaneous distance and closeness to 1949, when this book was first published. Recently republished, we have an opportunity to reflect
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